Monday, May 24, 2010
I Woke up in Love This Morning! Saturday Mornings!
I wonder if you remember this. I was 12. It was 1972 and I am the oldest of 5 girls. Saturday morning was a real treat. Saturday morning was an ongoing rivalry between Michael Jackson and Donnie Osmond. Don't laugh, Donnie was some hot stuff in those days.
Then it was time for a little School House Rock. This was to teach us the process of what goes on in Washington. My favorite was Youtube- Schoolhouse Rock- How a Bill Becomes a Law! Copy and paste for your personal entertainment.
Then it was time for American Bandstand. Dick Clark truly did not age until last year. hehe! And last but not least it was followed by the SOOOOUUUUULLLL TRAAAIIIINNNN!
That was such a good time.
Can you tell me about some of your special times? I would really love to hear it.
Reason Why you need a Massage!
Massage is good for so many things. The next time you need something to do instead of shopping, going to the movies, or going out to eat, make an appointment for a beautiful massage.
Massage releases growth hormones, flushes out toxins, improves circulation, drains the lymphatic system, and gives you an overall sense of well-being.
There are a myriad different types of massage:
*Thai massage- Yogic assisted stretches usually done on a map with loose fitting clothes. This types of massage incorporates range of motion stretches which add flexibility to the recipient as well as the provider!
*Swedish massage- Swedish is one of the primary types of massage asked for which is an assortment of smooth gliding strokes, tapping, kneading, compression. This is for those who just like a soothing relaxation type of massage.
*Deep tissue massage-this is excellent for those who are graduating into a different type of massage to loosen up those nagging knots and tense muscles. It is done with more intense pressure and oftentimes the use of elbows, fists, thumb pressure points, and back walking.
*Reflexology-is just a fancy term for pressure points of the feet and hands. However, do not underestimate the advantages of this type of massage. Did you know there is an organ directly affected by pressing on the different areas of the feet? You can sometimes tell where the body is forming a disease just by paying attention to the area on your feet that is sore and/or painful!
And Remember-Nothing looks better on you than a smile!
Love yourself! It's the best thing you can do.
Taking Care of Your Body!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Vitamin B
Anyway, if you have not tried it, take a B Complex 100 mg upon going to bed. This way you will have a full stomach, and there will be a set time for taking it each day. Never try to take B vitamins on an empty stomach because, like iron, it could possibly make you feel queazy.
And this is another way to insure your happiness for the day!